Stylekart takes up to 2 business days to process an order and product is delivered within the standard delivery time of 5 to 7 days, once the order is successfully placed on our website and the confirmation message regarding the same has been received by the customer.

Customers will receive an update regarding the order either through an email on the registered email id or a message on the registered mobile number as soon as the order is handled.

Once the order is dispatched, a shipping confirmation message along with the tracking id is sent on the registered email id and phone number of the customers, the same tracking id can be used to track the order

StyleKart takes pride in keeping the personal information of all its customers strictly confidential and is used only by StyleKart for the purpose of understanding the preferences of its customers better.

If a customer wishes to cancel an order, an email regarding the same must be sent to info@stylekart.pk within 5 hours of placing the order.

If a customer wishes to cancel an order, an email regarding the same must be sent to info@stylekart.pk within 5 hours of placing the order.

StyleKart takes full responsibility of replacing or repairing the products at no additional cost provided the product damage or replacement lies within its replacement and return policy.

A customer can claim warranty by registering the product with StyleKart within 10 days of purchase and further can contact us on  info@stylekart.pk regarding any query.

StyleKart provides 3 or 6 months’ warranty on all its products. This warranty can be extended by 2 months on leaving a review of the product purchased from online sites.

To register a complaint regarding a product or any other issue on the website, the customer can mail us at info@stylekart.pk . the team will try to resolve the issue within 24hrs.